Sunday, November 16, 2014

Midpoint update!

My goals for this month:
1. Edit/write every day I don't have a conflicting event (like my GKE trip next weekend). *Holds up calendar* You can tell I'm serious 'cause I wrote it down.
2. The above should let me finish a pass of edits on SaP, SS, and HtPD. So hopefully.
3. I'd love to get 3-5 K written this month, and I'm keeping track, but it's not make or break.

So far, I've done fairly well. I didn't edit on vacation, but I did get a few hundred words plopped out. I've already hit the 3K mark (although 1300 of that was for a World of Darkness game I'm playing).

I've finished edits on HtPD and SS, which leaves me with 13 days to finish SaP. So we'll see. It's the biggest, but I've already started it, sooo....yeah.

This month I also started going to a local writers' group. I wasn't sure what kind of mix would be there, but of the four people who came to the one I went to, three were over the age of 50. Only one sneered when I mentioned queer romance. I'll keep going and see how things turn out, but I'm definitely going to be careful what I take there. Which I knew was going to be something I'd have to worry about in my small town, but I guess I was hoping...

Anyway, back to the grindstone!

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