Monday, December 29, 2008

Survived, so far

So, I survived the holidays. It was really nice having four whole days not going to work. And the half day on Wednesday made it feel like Friday, so Christmas day and Friday felt like the weekend, and then I had another weekend! It was nice to not be stressed for those days. Sadly, I must return to work. However, I'm kind of looking forward to returning to a normal schedule, because my writing has slacked, although technically I'm only marked to write on Mondays (which I have been doing).

I've also been spending WAY too much money. I know "tis the season" but I need to rein myself back in.

The start of a new year.

In reality, it doesn't really mean anything, just a change of date. As for new year's resolutions? Well, it's better to make gradual changes. So the question is, what should I do with my life now?


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