Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Theory of Living (Okay, Not Really)

"Every day is a new beginning."

I'm sure someone before me said that thing in quotes, but I don't know who. Maybe I'm just really that inspired.

Aside from lacking internet this weekend, it was a very nice time. And when I got home on Sunday I moved my bedroom around, which I enjoyed way too much. I didn't even move much, but I got a different feng shui thing going on now. I also started sketching again, and writing a new story, and working on my projects. Let's here a happy "Go you!"

I know it's only Tuesday, but I already know the next two weekends are going to lack BL-time. This weekend I have movie night with some friends, then saturday is riding, community day, then Kw-time. I'll somehow wake myself up Sunday morning for mother's day and head home. I should probably do something for mother's day. Curses.

The next weekend is the Tom Curtin clinic, which involves leaving early Friday morning and not getting back until late Sunday. I'll be bitchy on Monday, for certain, but I get a long weekend after that, so hopefully I'll survive.

Ironically, nothing planned for the long weekend. I <3 Memorial Day. Though I'm still in shock that it's May and soon it'll be June. (O.O) I was actually fairly certain I had something important to post here...but it seems I was mistaken.

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