Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On this, the Solstice

Every Solstice (the longest night of the year), I try to think back on the year and remember those who brought light into my life and how they did so. I know most of them don't read this blog and I do try to show my appreciation to them in life, but this feels like a good tradition I'm building, even though some years I'm not in the mood to make a list. to speak.

My brother and sister-in-law for giving me 2 adorable nephews and 1 sweet niece. I'll never be having kids, so it's nice to know I can do my part to screw up influence the next generation. They worked hard to get and have those kids, and it's kind of amazing every time I stop to think that they haven't killed each other. It's a lot of work to raise one, and they're doing it with three. It's amazing (and makes me feel like a bum ;).

Aleksandr Voinov for being someone to look up to and inspire. (He knows what he did :)

JMD for being a great friend who puts up with many random, stupid text messages through out the work day when I feel crappy or unfocused or just need to reach out and not feel so ... alone. Thank you for being there, a string for me to grasp and not fall.

Rachel Haimowitz for inadvertantly getting me to go to an event I wouldn't have gone to without some inspiration/motivation.

My parents, because even though you may drive me crazy sometimes, you're always there if I need a car fixed, a ride, or the likes. I may not let you into most of my life, but I know you're there for me. Just like I'm (begrudgingly) there for you.

There are many others who have done plenty of small things to make this year worth living, and I wish I could thank you all, but for fear that I may forget someone, I shant. Hopefully you know how much I appreciate what you've done for me and know that I'm thinking of you tonight.

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