Tuesday, October 1, 2013


As the new year approaches (faster and faster every year), I briefly remembered the beginning of this year when I decided to make, and made, monthly resolutions. I think that lasted a month or two. But as we start October, I want to begin anew, not with resolutions, but goals.

This month:
1. Finish current WIP.
2. Finish Mom's birthday scarf
3. Set aside Solstice monies

The first one is probably the most likely to get axed, since I'm going to be gone for a good week and a half. But we'll see. Last month I wrote a minimum of 100 words for 57% of the days. Not awesome, but not too terrible either. I want to keep up with that as well, which will help with reaching the first goal. The story keeps getting longer and longer as I go, and I'm not certain with the plot I'd planned. But if I can hash that out, then I can happily go forward.

I also think I know what my next project is going to be, for November, so we'll see.

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