Sunday, February 2, 2014

Out with Jan, In with Feb

So January started strong but...kind of failed

January's Goals
1. Keep on exercise routine.

I sort of kept with my exercising. As in, I kept exercising. But it dropped from 4 days a week to 2 for some weeks. 

2. Write for three hours every week (doesn't have to be at once).

I had decided to not do this yet and instead just track my word count for the month and try to increase on it every month. Which worked at the beginning of the month, but I've written nothing for the last two weeks. Total word count: 5,255
3. Finish current knitting project.

This one I did! I finished my mobius scarf and a pair of mitts. Yay for one success!

February's Goals
1. Get in a good exercise at least 3 days a week.

2. Write 6,000 words this month.

3. Tie up a lot of loose ends for random things.

4. Find at least one place to submit something to (whether or not that story is finished for submitting).

So here's hoping.

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