Sunday, September 14, 2014

September Progress Report

September's Goals
1. Work toward finishing current WIP (trans* story).
2. Do an editing pass on SaP (shifters).
3. Work on baby blanket (for my second niece). This isn't writing related, which I'm trying to focus on more, but this is going to suck some time and it needs to be done for the solstice, latest, so I need to give it some serious attention (and it's going to take forever).

September feels like its been going well, so here's how it looks:

1. Making progress. Probably have 2K left, but it's all wrapping-up/ending stuff. Which I haven't really thought through, so it may be like pulling teeth. I'm also looking for beta readers for this one, which I'm hoping will motivate me to finish this. Or maybe they can tell me how to end it :P

2. I've started this. Slowly. I got a little distracted by HtPD this week. I'm actually happy with some of the additions I made to HtPD, so my beta gave good feedback. Now I'm waiting for my other beta. And I'm going to try to figure out who will take a 9K story (because I don't see another 1 K coming out of it.

3. Working on it :P This takes forever.

Overall pretty happy with things. I'm super excited/nervous about my WIP and if it's any good. It was one of those that just came out so easily in the middle bits, which either means really good things or...not.

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