Saturday, October 1, 2016

Edits and Pictures

This weekend I'm expecting to be busy. I have fanciful visions of writing, plus visiting friends and family, catching up on all the things I've slacked on (mostly reading comics I like and watching anime I life is hard), and going through edits. I'm always nervous when I get edits from a new publishers. I have no idea what to expect.

I'm pretty much always overreact though. Like HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PRECIOUS BABY BY SUGGESTING IT COULD BE BETTER. And then a second later YES YOU MADE IT BETTER BUT STILL. I do a lot of shouting at my screen and accepting changes. It's probably a good thing I live alone.

Since I plan on spending a fair amount of time with edits this weekend, I'm going to spam you with images.

(it's been an all-caps sort of week)

 Flowers are (oddly enough) blooming at the barn right now. First screenshot is from The Morose Mononokean and second his from Cheer Boys. They give me all the good feelings.

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