Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year, New Resolutions

Last year, my goals were:
I want to keep being better at my fitness 'program' and eating habits.
I want to write 10K a month every month.
I'd like to get three things published this year.
I...didn't do awesome. In fact, I forgot about the first goal completely (or at least I didn't try harder than I normally do).

I hit 10K roughly ever month. If I add up the months and average them out, it's about 10,900 words a month.

Three things published? Er. Well...I didn't think this one through. I submitted three pieces to publishers, and two were accepted. One got feedback, one came out a few weeks ago, and one comes out in April. So I think that counts as a success, even if I didn't publish three things this year.

And this year?

My goals this year are similar to last year with some additions (and maybe some follow through :D)

1. Write 10K a month. I was originally thinking of upping it to 15K, but after November and December this year, I decided to focus on another resolution:

2. Revise a book a month. Writing is only worthwhile if I actually revise and submit books for publishing. Last year I focused on publishing books, but I think it was too abstract (and much of it out of my control), so this time I want to focus on taking steps to submit books--aka, revise the stuff I write and move it along on the path of publishing!

3. Read at least 12 books. This obviously doesn't count work stuff, and last year I only squeaked by via manga (specifically What Did You Eat Yesterday?), which isn't bad but wasn't what I had in mind. This year I'm picking 12 books from my pile and want to read them:

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin, The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, 10 lb Penalty by Dick Francis, The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan, The Innocence of Father Brown by GK Chesterton, Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, The Black Book of Secrets by FE Higgins, and What the Dickens by Gregory Maguire
I figure some might get replaced by manga, some might get replaced by library books or new finds, but these are some titles on my shelves that seem like I should read or at least might be interesting. I tried for a variety so I wouldn't get bored or burned out.

(If you're interested in reading along with me when I start a book, let me know, I'm always looking for reading buddies, and I'm not a fast-paced reader...)

First up will be What the Dickens.

Good luck on your New Year's Resolutions!

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